My best friend Frankie had her baby last night!!! A little girl, the news of which is making me feel all mushy and jealous and even flirting again with the idea of having another. But don’t freak out (just find a happy place, breathe deeply and put the peanut-butter away) I’m definitely not going down that path for at least a while, namely because:
a) We’ve gotta get through the madness of this year (with Tim on teaching prac and all) and get our relationship a billion times better before we can contemplate another stressor. Even if that stressor happens to be cute and little and innocent and so cuddly and nice-smelling and…
Sorry, that was me smacking sense into myself.
b) We seriously want to get overseas next year and while that’s still possible with three, my mummy-senses are telling me that it’d be quite a bit easier just with two (just fuzz up my hair and call me Einstein).
c) I’ve gotta wait til Frankie’s finished breastfeeding so we can at least have one crazy girls-night-out before getting up the duff myself. There’s no WAY I’m going two years straight without a single Frankie & Jen paint-the-town-red adventure. That’s like asking me to give up dark chocolate. NEVER gonna happen, so please…let it go.
In completely unrelated news, my daughter is cracking me up no end with her bizarre rantings.
Last night…
Me: Alright kiddo time to wash your hands for dinner!
Ella: Whatever Trevor.
At least I know where she got that one. 🙂
But I’m at a loss as for where she got this next one…
This morning…
Me: Yes you are yelling at me and you need to stop it or you’ll be going into the dungeon of doom….(um, did I just type that? Sorry, I meant:) the bathroom.
Ella: Oh mummy, what would you know about true love?
What the?
But I’ll leave you with her all-time favourite insult of the moment:
Ella: I don’t believe you and nobody is going to believe you…EVER.
Have a great weekend everybody!