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These are a Few of My Favourite Podcasts…

Writer's picture: Jenny WynterJenny Wynter

If I ever have a podcast, I want this to be the image for it.

I was pretty slow to jump on the podcast wagon, much to my own embarrassment. It was one of those things that made me feel like an old person. You know, like I might press the wrong button in itunes, which would subsequently wipe out the entire contents of my hard drive and make me cry pigeon tears.

Anyway, I was suitably sobered to realise that it was quite easy. Search. Click. Plug in the damn podcasting-listening-thingy.

And oh, how life changed. How I could actually ENJOY walking around the block, even if said block was full of emptiness. Or construction sites. Or bogans.

Because in my ears was a portal to an entirely different universe.

So, I thought it might be cool (if nothing else but in the “SEE? I’m not a grandma yet!” kind way), to share the doorways into a few of my personal faves thus far…

1. The Vinyl Cafe with Stuart Maclean. I was introduced to Stuart and the Vinyl Cafe by my wonderful Canadian friend Sabina in the most awesome way – that being via a double date to see one of his live concerts at the beyond ridiculously fabulous Banff Centre! Specifically, I love that:

a) his writing is so tight and such a great balance of humour and poignancy;

b) he unapologetically adores his country and makes a point of travelling (and then writing in tones of reverence about) almost every square inch of it; and

c) he uses his powers for good, to share the light of his own significant profile some amazing and largely undiscovered musical talent.

(And while we’re on the CBC bandwagon, I gotta give honorary mentions to Q and Wiretap respectively.)

Oh how I love Canada. And these feel like a little piece of it is in my ears. Anyhooo…

2. This American Life My hubby was trying to get me to explain what it is that I love so much about this podcast, and all I could offer was “because they just tell such interesting stories!”

I then proceeded to shove the headphones in his ear and press ‘play’. If I could do that to you likewise through the magic of cyberspace, I would.

3. WTF with Marc Maron Marc Maron is so forthcoming with exposing the innermost workings of his warts’n’all self, that he seems to inspire similar frankness in his guests. I love it.

Not only do I always feel similarly inspired just to cut the BS and be more real, but this podcast makes me feel like I’ve just managed to overhear a really cool deep and meaningful, between comedians who are talking about the ins and outs of the art, craft and business of comedy, no less.

It’s cemented in my heart. And my inbox.

4. The Improv Resource Center I am obsessed with this one because I’m a complete and utter improv junkie and it is – while not my crack – like listening to the sound of someone making it. (WHAAAAAAA???? Don’t worry, I’m not sure what I’m on about either.)

Point is, this offers my listening bits some really in-depth and meaty improv talk which thus allows me to geek out at an alarming rate.

5. The Moth My best friend Frankie and I tried to go see the live show when we were in NYC but sadly, twas sold out. As apparently, it usually is. And with good reason.

The deal is, at their live shows (and in the podcasts), people have to tell a story with the conditions that it is:

a) true; b) less than 5 minutes long; and c) told without notes.

The resulting podcasts are thus snappy (many have just one story per episode) and very, very addictive.

*** Any other suggestions will be hugely welcome, warmly appreciated and put to good use!

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