Thanks so much for the lovely comments of late, particularly those saying that I look just like my Mum. Seriously – I don’t think there’s a compliment that can surpass that.
I’ve been a busy little bee this week, flitting around on a range of the following:
– getting together a plan of attack for 2011, nothing complicated, just, you know…taking over several portions of the world;
– sourcing most excellent grant advice for the upcoming round of Creative Sparks grants from BCC;
– organising the peeps who are signing up for my upcoming improv workshop (I am SO FREAKING EXCITED! It’s almost full and the potential I’ve already seen from the crew onboard thus far is so huge and gorgeous and fuzzy, I really feel like something special is in the wind.);
– performing at Livewired Sunday night to a most rocking crowd indeed, then afterwards fighting the urge to force-feed wet meat pies to my poor dear hubby, who, despite his best intentions, wobbled and wibbled and basically turned the footage he shot of it into a stand-up comedy version of the Blair Witch Project;
– investigating the possibility of renting out a cute little office space somewhere in the West End facility. AGH! A real office! To deck out! To make me finally feel all professhhhionul.
– displaying stunning commitment to the art of neglecting housework.
What about you?
What’s cooking in your kitchen?!