Just over four days to go, and the official tally as of tonight is: $3096.50.
Meaning of course: just under 7k to raise in the next four days.
Am I insane to still be thinking it is actually possible?
Of course, it still requires an element of magic – however, with several significant events planned this weekend alone (cabaret, comedy, and a garage sale among them: you can click here if you’re keen on the full details) so long as they perform well & with a bit of luck on the donation side in the coming days (by my calculations I need to muster up another $1k in donations, with the events taking care of the rest): I REALLY DO BELIEVE IT’S STILL POSSIBLE.
Likely? No. Ambitious? Totally. Possible? Yes!
Of course, come Monday morning, even that I have written this in quite a public way puts me out there as either:
a) a believer who got this shizz done!; or
b) a more than mildly embarrassed Pollyanna.
P.S. Donations will be welcomed with warm loving cuddles & metaphorical chocolate muffins straight out of the oven.
P.P.S. Thank you for bearing with me in this overwhelmingly overwhelming time of pleading, hair-tearing and fundraise-speak. Whether you donate or not, for that, I am so terribly grateful!