Fiona O’Loughlin told me many, many moons ago that her family understood that the first couple of days after she got back home from a festival, she wasn’t really BACK. Night 1: almost certainly take-away.
Oh how I get it.
As such, just a quick (and mostly pictorial) debrief from my most excellent time in Adelaide.
I went with the goal of testing the waters with the show, getting some photos and if I managed to score some nice quotes to pull out of any reviews, that would be all the sweeter. Like the double dip on an already awesome Tim-Tam.
Mission accomplished. Topped off with some fabbo vintage browsing, market trawling and defeating the headcold that kept threatening to spoil the whole damn thing…KAPOW! It’s enough to make me want to serenade the whole damn city of Adelaide itself, with “Nothing’s Gonna Change My Love For You.” (Note to self: file that one away. Could be good publicity.)
Anyhoo, I returned to my beautiful and suitably happy to see my clan. My boys promptly returned to their default setting of ‘caffeine jitters without the caffeine’ while my daughter took all of 5 minutes to unpack my new wig and make it her own.
Ah. Yes.
I am almost back.
