I owe you guys a HUGE apology. I meant to blog the entire trip, I swear I did. But I’m afraid that a combination of stupidity (translation = packing the wrong camera cord) and having too much damn fun (translation = having too much damn fun) led to Mission Blogging Incomplete.
Hot damn, it was amazing.
In summary:
1. First coupla days in NYC.
My second night, jet-lagged beyond all belief and yet strangely pumped (the buzz of the city is like Viagra for the soul), I went to perform with the fabulous Chicago City Limits. Spent the next coupla days strolling the streets of Chelsea. It was jawsome.
I think I died and went to improv heaven. Seriously. Twelve hours a day of doing improv, learning improv, talking improv, eating improv, drinking improv and then performing improv at night.
Our teachers included Gary Austin (founder of The Groundlings, out of which has come Lisa Kudrow, Paul Rebeuns and many, many more), Michael Gellman (Second City Chicago – extremely intimidating presence at first, but INCREDIBLE teacher) and Kevin Frank (Second City Toronto).
I taped all my performances and will be uploading some soon, so stay tuned! Personal highlights included playing an El Salvadorian mother (with a suspiciously Russian-sounding accent) and a rough Aussie incarnation of Mother Nature.
3. NYC with FRANKIE!
My best friend in the entire planet, with 4 kids of her own no less, Frank-i-licious and I hooked up for three nights of amaziness in the Big Apple. I’ll just let the pictures do the talking, shall I?

Frankie and Jenny take NYC

Running late for our dinner date, we ran up to a limo and asked if he was for hire. In short: he said yes, we said yes, and we ended up doing what you do when faced with such excitement: PHOTOGRAPHING EVERY SECOND.

Re-enacting the Titanic scene on Brooklyn Bridge

And we drank a few of these...
In other words…magic.
And now my dears, I’m back. Regular blogging schedule to follow. Missed you!