So if Britney can write some schmaltzy poetry on her website, then so can I!
I like to call this one: “Kids…mummy’s gotta go and paint the town red.”
3 1/2 weeks without hearing a scream, 3 1/2 weeks without poo, 3 1/2 weeks without tantrums or tears, 3 1/2 weeks without you.
3 1/2 weeks without fighting or fits, 3 1/2 weeks without spew, 3 1/2 weeks without broken sleep, 3 1/2 weeks without you.
3 1/2 weeks without one of your cuddles, 3 1/2 weeks without a ‘boo!’ 3 1/2 weeks without kissing your cheeks, 3 1/2 weeks without you.
*** Britney…eat your heart out baby. Comic Mummy is in da house.