Tech run today. Happy times. Started off with Mister Two making himself well at home in the theatre. Hey, he has been onstage since he was a foetus, so I guess it makes sense.

The space at Revolt Melbourne is UNBE-FREAKING-LIEVABLE. Seriously. Agh. I am going to do my darndest to do a video tour of it just to share some with you, it is better than robot space-cake.
Then a slight technical hitch in the form of my planned piano for the run not working out after all. The beyond amaze-balls Rebecca from A Green Cow (who, I must add, has displayed stunning friendship without having ever even met me in real life! I mention this as I have been musing greatly lately over the difference between “friends” and “acquaintances”,) promptly did her darndest to help find me a suitable replacement. I felt most loved.
Tech runs, in-house photography, a quick phone interview with a local paper (they’re taking a pic tomoz of me, Cassidy and the puppet = a craze-a-tois) followed by a phonecall that made me do a happy dance: wonderful Allan’s Music + Billy Hyde saying they would provide me with a most faboosh keyboard for the show run. What can I say? Beyond thrilled. You will have to excuse me as I bestow my thanks upon them with shameless mentions here on CM. I am so grateful I am just full of great!
The journo today asked me what it was like having my toddler with me while I try to stage a show. Day two and a night away from the opening show of the fest, I can say this: it’s exhausting (not that I didn’t think it wouldn’t be.) But, I get cuddles!
*Note: realising the above paragraph is so lacking in insight or wit that I just want to plead it as a brilliant demonstration of the fatigue of which said paragraph mentioned. Next.
In other news, this made my day.

So happy. And exhausted. Opening night tomorrow! AGH! TO BED!