What a week. In a nutshell:
Writing sit-com proposals!
Going to baby showers! Celebrating birthdays!
Sorting long needed to be dealt with paperwork!
Organising my office!
Writing applications!
Celebrating tickets going on sale for my upcoming Brissie show!

And you know, occasionally leaving out a bowl of water for the kids.
As compensation for the lack of my own blog action this week (aside from my recent novel-length rant), allow me to post some of my recent faves from around the merry interwebby:
Brilliant fan mail response from Steve Martin. If I ever got famous I’d like to think that I would think of something even just a little bit awesome too.
I am rather in love with these ridicu-cool hand-made creativity journals. ARRRRRRRRRRR! That’s the sound of my inner Martha Stewart jelly-wrestling my inner Roseanne Barr.
More jelly wrestling. My laziness vs my creativity. Still, this song lyric wall art thang actually looks pretty doable.
Insights on faking it and making it from my girl/blog crush, Sarah Wilson.
Any links to throw my way? I am open for procrasti-gestions!