And without further ado, may I introduce you to our latest creative mama extraordinaire, Nic Hohn!

Welcome to the Comic Mummy blog Nic!
Firstly, would you kindly tell us a bit about yourself!
My name is Nicole, although I go by Nic in the art world.I live on the Queensland coast, Australia in a small town with my hubby and 2 children. We’ve been married for 19 yrs and our son is 12, our daughter 9 and we have a vivacious border collie who’s 5.
I have been a full time artist for the last 8 yrs and have recently taken up a casual job with a fashion wholesaler. When I put on my artist’s apron on I love to create feminine, floral, mixed media goodies with an off beat flavour: love to have that unexpected twist in my art.
How did you get started on your creative journey?
I was always creative as a kid. I spent a lot of time cutting, pasting, colouring and sewing to my hearts delight. When I got to high school I continued with art and textile studies. Then on to university I graduated with a Visual Arts diploma majoring in Textiles. It wasn’t until many years later, when my children where 5 and 2 that I picked up a paint brush. I decided that I really didn’t want to go back into formal work so I made go at getting creative again….I wanted to be home and available for our children and paint.
How does being a mum influence /inspire your art and vice versa?
For me being a mum takes so much energy…24/7, even when they are older; there are still as many challenges but they are different. When our children were young they never went into day care, so we were together a lot. When I did get the chance to create it was about me and my time. A way to honour myself, my gifts and talents. Whenever I create with my kids its all about them, that way I don’t get frustrated about what I want to create and they have my full attention…and they get to create their own ideas. I believe that as mums if we don’t have our own creative outlet we project through our kids and that is definitely not a win/win. Our kids need to have their own creative voice.
What have been the biggest challenges of pursuing your passions while raising a family?
I would have to say timing and presence. And wanting to be the best I can be and give my best to our kids. Its not easy to have the energy to deal with daily needs our kids have, listen to what they have to say and be present. I want to know what is going on for them so we encourage them, be playful and find solutions to any challenges….. but also wanting to focus on my goals too. I could easily work all day and night, but its about finding the balance….

Have you encountered criticism from others while on this journey, and if so, how have you dealt with it?
Oh yes! And a lot of it! From many directions.
At first I used to take it on personally and see it as rejection or that I’m not good enough, I’d really spiral down and then resolve to head in another direction. Now I have learnt to look within and really see what is going on. I often have conversations with myself that may go a little like this…
Is this person reflecting my own self criticism? Okay, so why am I being so hard on myself? Why does this person’s opinion mean so much?
Creative journaling has also helped heaps to move through some of these challenges. Sometimes expressing all those emotions that come up, is a great way to acknowledge what is going on.
Who are your role models/mentors and why?
Its no secret that Anahata Katkin and the Papaya business is my all time inspiration. I love that with her mum, they have built a business on the wings of creativity. And I aspire to a similar goal but with my own flavour.I also love Lyn Gardner from Empire Vintage, Kelly Rae Roberts, Alannah Hill and Ashtara. I’m intrigued by that whole unique + creativity + business = success equation. And I’m starting to find more home grown Australian artists/designers who are doing great stuff which is always inspiring!
Your biggest dreams right now?
My dreams right now are HUGE! I’m feeling so inspired to create an art business that on the bigger picture contributes to humanity with love and connectedness. I want to produce creative goodies and unusual visual reminders that uplift the senses and the soul, in a way that really makes a difference in other peoples lives. I want them to wake up and see this beautiful unusual ‘thing’ to remind them of how wonderful and amazing they are – how full of potential they can be.
I know that’s huge….. and I’m also well aware that at this stage I don’t have all the skills I need to do this at the scale my dream is. I see these ‘products’ on a commercial scale. One of the reasons why I’ve just started working with a fashion wholesaler: I really want to know what’s involved running this type of business from the ground up.

How can people find you?
My dream
My artsy website
My blog
Anything else you’d like to share?
Sharing? I love to share….and I love sharing my journey. If I can express one thing, whether thats through my blog, my art or my creative goodies, that is going to make a difference to someone else, then I am fulfilling my Soul’s role. That’s what makes my heart warm and fluttery!
Know somebody you’d like to see interviewed on here? Perhaps that person is even YOU! If so, get in touch!