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February Aussie Mummy Bloggers Carnival

Writer's picture: Jenny WynterJenny Wynter

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Howdy hey! (I love saying that – and indeed anything that makes me feel even remotely like a cowgirl.)

Welcome to the February Aussie Mummy Bloggers Carnival, featuring all the best and fairest (mostly bestest) posts from the month that just was! I’m so stoked it’s my turn to host – it’s like a slumber party with less sleeping bags and twirling hair and more…well, cyber-type. And being in cyber-space and all, I have saved a fortune on prank calls and corn chips.

So kick back, relax and read away, peeps!

Yours in carnival-esque-ness,

Jen (aka Comic Mummy).


Tina from Tina Gray {dot} MeOne Lump or Two? I can never remember how my friends and family like their tea or coffee so I came up with an idea that not only makes me look clever but satisfies my love for charts and things.

Jodie from Mummy MayhemGoing Back is Tough I moved from my hometown of Perth to Sydney 15 years ago. Going back and seeing family and friends is great, but it’s also tough. Saying goodbye sucks.

Kristin from WanderlustMile Upon Mile The ever-present threat of violence whispers in the background of everyday life.

Jolene from Jolene’s Mumbo JumboFalse Advertsing Alert:  Designer Andrew Christian is Putting the Oomph into Male Underwear I accidentally stumbled across some ‘uplifting’ designer underwear for men one day whilst surfing the internet.  They got me thinking about some of the other weird and wonderful accessories and garments women have worn through the ages…

Shelly from Tropical MumScorn for the Internet I shared this on FlogYoBlog Friday, but if you’ve already read it, go ahead and read it again, I won’t mind. 🙂 My husband has always made fun of the internet and the time I spend on it. Well, it’s taken me years, but I think I may have finally changed his mind…

Peta-Jo from Peta-JoFloods and Flaming Turtles Enthusiasm is tough to muster under this much water!

Nikki from Styling YouWhat to wear on the first day of school My youngest started school this year and it’s been a while since I’ve had to tackle the drop-off and pick-up line so I put together some tips on what to wear – to remind me and help others.

Glowless from Where’s My Glow? – Kerr Boom! {A rant in B flat} It’s time for women to support women – there’s enough mother guilt as there is without us creating more for each other.

Emma from Cocktails at Naptime – I’m Too Sexy For My Harem Pants How fashion forward am I? Well if a truly fashion person like Anna Wintour is a Ferrari, I am more like a clumsy clown riding one of those miniature tricycles at the circus.

Kelly from Anything, Everything & Inbetween – Friday Fluff – Cake, Candles and Overall Success This is the true tale of the Toddler’s 2nd birthday cake, my baking skills and Madonna’s cone shaped bra.

Gillian of the Misssy M Misssives has two nuggets for us this month.

Firstly, there’s Material When do you have to start asking permission from your kids to blog about them? And what if it’s not forthcoming?

Then, from Cocktails at Naptime, there’s We Still Would You’ve heard of the MILF and the DILF but what about that hot older man? Welcome to the WSW.

Colin from SuperParents – Don’t Create a Scared Little Girl Let’s forget about this Tiger Mom nonsense and get back to nurturing our children. This post is about building confidence in your child with your own positive mental attitude.

Alli from Motivating Mum – The Cold Hard Facts of Starting a Business A peek into the world of a start up mum in business (for the second time).

Bianca from bigwords – Work or Not To Work bigwords struggles with the much debated issue of whether to work or not to work and remain a full time stay at home Mum

Jade from Jedeluxe – No bra, no phone, but tiramisu…How to survive in a public hospital where no-one speaks your language, your phone battery dies, and you’re mistakenly admitted to the Coronary Care ward with two 100-year-olds in geriatric nappies for bed-mates.  And yes, hospital food IS revolting all over the world.

Michelle from Farmers Wifey – Storm and Sunset Taking time to appreciate the little things in our busy lives…..

Jo from Mum to J – My Talented Young Photographer J is always taking pictures with his kiddie camera but these were some of the great results when I let him free with my camera 🙂

and finally, one from yours truly!

Jen from Comic Mummy – Having Kids Early vs Having Em Later – The Impact on Your Life I boldly proclaimed that “I’m not having kids til I’m at LEAST 33!” only to discover a week later, that at 22, I was in fact, pregnant. Ha. Ha. Ha. But recently I got to thinking…maybe when it comes to babyhood there is no perfect time…



I acknowledge the Gubbi Gubbi, Wakka Wakka and Butchulla peoples, the First Nation Traditional Owners of Country, and custodians of the land and waters on which I live and work, and all the peoples who have welcomed me on Country. I pay respects to all Elders past and present and acknowledge the young leaders who are working beside Elders in our cultural industries in the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices. I recognise all First Nation peoples as the original storytellers of these lands and acknowledge the important role they continue to play in our community.

Jenny Wynter

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