My typical point of view while at work/play on my iPhone. My office looks tidy, huh? That's cos you can't see the floor.
I’m off to jump on a plane tomoz (and have packed some Allens snakes just so I can amuse myself with a pop culture reference) to Melbs, and in starting this grand adventure, I thought it was a fine time to do a FAQ sesh. Damn I love FAQs. They make me feel so…frequented.
1. How long are you going for and how many shows are you doing? 2 weeks! 12 shows! 1 nervous breakdown!
2. Are you flying solo or are you taking the fam? A leetle bit of both. After much deliberation, I opted to bring my littlest, Mister two and a half. Ergo, this blog series during my fringe run shall be officially knowns as “Touring With Toddlers”.
3. What are you going to do with him when you’re performing? I’m leaving out pellets. Oh don’t worry. It’s a really big bowl.
4. Are you nervous? Excited? Terrified? Yes. Yes. Yes.
5. Can I come? No. I don’t like audiences. They throw off my chi.
Oh FINE then! Here are the deets. JEEZ.
The Unexpected Variety Show Melbourne Fringe Festival Revolt Melbourne 12 Elizabeth Street, Kensington 27 September – 9 October Tues-Sat 7.30pm (60 minutes) Sun 4.30pm Full: $20, Concession: $15 Buy tix here.
” If you get a chance to see Jenny Wynter perform take it and run! She is amazing! I laughed so much I cried and then cried because she is so incredibly real and honest. LOVED IT!” Ang A.
” What a fantastic show – warm, witty, touching, hilarious – inspiring work, laughed and cried all the way through – Jenny Wynter – YOU ROCK!!!!!!!! Lisa D.
“It’s the show that every Mum on the planet should see. I can’t wait to see it again and again.” Andrew A.