Baby on a plane! Nearly!
We nearly didn’t have Cassidy.
Until sometime in early 2008, there I was at the beautiful Banff Centre, where I was lapping up the luxury of my own studio to work solidly on my new show during a residency.
As such, I set myself the task I’d long procrastinated, of finally sorting through the mountains of pages, notes and random napkins on which I’d spilled forth thoughts over the years, to see which might actually survive the cull and make it into the show.
It was during this process that I stumbled across a journal entry I’d written a couple of years prior. It said something along the lines of…
“Tim and I have decided not to have another baby, at least not for a while. The career is going quite well and I really don’t want to disrupt that, plus I feel like life is busy enough so I don’t want to disrupt that either…”
And at that moment it hit me. In the two years since I’d written that, NOTHING HAD CHANGED.
Those were exactly the same reasons I had right then and there, for not wanting another one.
And, I wagered quite confidently, they would remain the same reasons in the years to come.
A little short of a year later, my little dude entered the world.
He immediately set about proving his completely and utter Canadian-ness (the beautiful big land cementing its place in my heart for just one more reason by being the point of my little man’s entry into this world)…by being just so damn nice, sweet and agreeable.
My grandma: “Cassidy?”
Me: “Yep!”
My grandma: “His name’s Cassidy?”
Me: “Uh-huh.”
My grandma: “Like Hop-along Cassidy?”
Me: “I don’t even know who that is.”
Cut to a year and a bit later and my little dude…

…became Hop-along Cassidy.
Yes, in the two years since he arrived on planet Comic Family, the Cass-meister has travelled throughout Canada and the States, been in a head-on collision, endured a broken leg, made his on-screen debut and most importantly, has successfully wrapped every single one of us here completely and utterly around his extremely little fingers.
Cass-man, to say I am so glad that we decided to go for number three and have you just doesn’t do justice to the awesomeness you’ve brought into our world.

That said, I will never forgive you for the conundrum you now place me in.
After all, now I know I’ll love number four, five, six…and seventeen.
And I hold you entirely responsible. And so does my uterus.
Happy birthday little man. xxxx