Adelaide was beyond amazing and already I’m gearing myself up for Melbourne Fringe Festival. AGH! So excited. After such a lovely run at the Cabaret Fringe (ooh, just realised I don’t think I’ve even posted my reviews on here. Everywhere else in cyberspace, but not on my dearly beloved blog! You can check em out here and here! SQUEE!) I am beyond on fire now to take it everywhere on planet earth that will have me.
Here’s the flyer for Melbs, very very excitable!

But first…
How did that sneak up on me so quickly? I’m gonna be heading off in a week and a half, thanks to the very wonderful Ian Potter Cultural Trust, to spend two weeks working with two incredible mentors of mine, Gary Austin and Michael Pollock (people who I’d admired from afar and had the incredible fortune to work with and better yet, really genuinely CONNECT WITH) on solo improv and musical improv in a solo context respectively. AAGGGGHHHHH.
I’ve got so much to write on this it’s just not funny – though it probably should be – but will save that for my next post.
Any questions?