What a warm group of people is the staff of St Andrews Hospital! I had a lovely time indeed speaking at their recent Managers’ Forum about life “Beyond the Pivot” - aka getting our mojo back when we’re all so pivoted out we have holes in our shoes and our eyes are sore from rolling them every time we hear the word.

I particularly loved:
Having inspiration from a lovely gent in the crowd named John, which led to a spontaneous comedy song about what happens when an Information Manager meets a worker for the Department of Transport and Main Roads;
Discovering afterwards in the photos that I need not worry about toning myself down in the corporate world: my arms have brains of their own; and
Of course, my hubby’s tailor-made earrings for the occasion. Note to every speaker/presenter out there: find a spouse who genuinely finds enjoyment in crafting themed artisan-wares for every event.
Thank you so much St Andrews for having me, I feel very privileged to be invited into your wonderful group of people for a day!