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Ah, the conundrums of adding friends on Facebook

Writer's picture: Jenny WynterJenny Wynter

Image courtesy of

UPDATE: Just got this facebook message from another of my ‘sorry I can’t friend you on my personal page’ recipients, a lovely lass called Manda. Haha, so it would seem, there are beautiful peeps in the world also. My heart can rest. Le sigh.

Hey Jenny,Haha no no mental blank, we definately don’t know one another ‘personally’, I saw your stand up routine at the powerhouse a few weeks ago and wanted to keep track of where you’ll be performing next. You are one funny bitch… Thanks for giving my pelvic floor a good work out. I’ll check out your comedy page. Keep up the good work!Manda x

So following my previous posts on this and how freaking fantastic I am at dealing with nastiness, this weekend I had the chance to put my hoity-toity (how the heck do you even spell that?) stance to the test.

You see, I recently decided to keep my facebook page just for personal peeps. That is, people I either know in person (thank you Captain Obvious) or have conversed with to a level where I feel like I know them.

So  – on the advice of the quite brilliant e-course in managing your creative business I did recently – I decided my new policy to deal with this would be to send a quick email to ‘unknown’ people who’d sent me a friends request, explain the deal and invite them to join my official facebook page if they so desired (some people who find me are either through cyberspace, blogging and/or have seen me onstage). i.e. I’m happy to be connected on facebook, just not on my personal page.

Which has so far been all good. I’ve had lovely emails from people, and people just signing up to the comedy page. And not. Whatever. Peeps can do as they please – I’m not the boss of the world (though please don’t tell my husband).

Points is, it’s all good.

Until Sunday morning, I get a message in my inbox saying:

To Jenny, I feel embarrrased at the effort put in to reject me…

Then, in a beautiful display of irony, he proceeds to write a message longer than my original – embarrassing me at the effort putting in to reject my rejection – no seriously you guys, I’m so embarrassed I can hardly bring myself to look my children in the eye – explaining HIS own indepth facebook friends policy. i.e. he immediately adds whoever Facebook suggests as friends when they keep popping up. He tells me that he does this up to ten times a day and so does not require an “in-depth explanation about your incongruent participation. In fact not only is it not a necessity but is actually quite of an annoyance.”

Really? You deal with ten a DAY? Seventy a WEEK?

Hmmmm…I think maybe it’s time to change that policy dude. Just a suggestion.

Anyway, this was all well and good – and then I read this:

PS And I’m not joining your fucking fansite.

Heehee. Okay, I am laughing now.




(Just to complete the picture, I’m saying that in the voice of Darth Vader right now).

PS I sent him back a message: “No worries. It’s all good. Have a hug.”

I have a feeling it might have been annoying.


I acknowledge the Gubbi Gubbi, Wakka Wakka and Butchulla peoples, the First Nation Traditional Owners of Country, and custodians of the land and waters on which I live and work, and all the peoples who have welcomed me on Country. I pay respects to all Elders past and present and acknowledge the young leaders who are working beside Elders in our cultural industries in the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices. I recognise all First Nation peoples as the original storytellers of these lands and acknowledge the important role they continue to play in our community.

Jenny Wynter

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