I am here! Yes! In Adelaide!
This is nothing short of a miracle as this time yesterday, it looked likely that flights would be canceled thanks to a certain volcano that just couldn’t contain itself for a few more centuries. Bloody volcanoes. Can’t live with em, can’t live without em..actually hang on a second, actually I totally could. Yeah, on second thought: Volcanoes, you can go suck it.
When I rocked up at the airport in the wee willy winky hours of this morning, I was greeted with this:

8 hrs after I left my house this morning, (yes, 8!!) I arrived, just in time to sit my butt down in the 5AA studios for a lovely interview with a mama tour-de-force after my own heart, Amanda Blair.
Walking home I found this:

And this:

It warmed my innards.
Which was lucky. It’s freaking cold.