Only a ginger, can call another ginger "Ginger". (Thanks Tim Minchin.)
Hey guys,
So reality has hit hard, as it usually does post-festival in what I’ve come to call PTSD: Post Tour Sadness Disorder/Disorientation.
Back to regular blogging shortly, I’ve really needed this week just to decompress, re-connect with the fam and of course, catch up on about five kilometres of housework. I like to measure it in distance terms. It makes me feel athletic.
In the meantime…
– Only 1 more sleep til Brisbane Powerhouse shows start! 2 shows only folks, and when I checked yesterday tix sales had doubled within a day. AGH! (Admittedly they were pretty slow to start, but if I have a chance to spin it positively, I’m gonna take that, yo!) Would love to see you there, Saturday night is also the hubby’s and my 10 year anniversary – a DECADE!!!!!!! WHAAAA??? Have I even been alive that long? – so if you care to join us at the bar afterwards for a celebratory drink and/or booty shake, we will welcome you with rabid enthusiasm. We don’t get out much, so seriously. You might be so welcomed it could get awkward.
– My guest post on MamaMia this week about me and my lovely pub legs. Yep, you read that right.
– Fantastical post from Gala Darling about creating a low-budget but awesome creative retreat without going away. I LOVE this. As some of you know I did an amazing residency at the Banff Centre a couple of years back (where I wrote much of what became “An Unexpected Variety Show”, actually) and was so inspired at the time to try to re-create the experience from home. Very cool.
See you soon! x