UPDATE: Agh. Did I really write “from 2012?” I suck. I mean, the fact that a human being arrived in 2011 just last week claiming to be from the future is just sheer coincidence I tell you! Coincidence! Move along now. Ehem. Ehem. Ehem.
You know, it’s funny how family life can be so ridiculously busy and full and stressful and chaotic that at the end of the year, you can actually think it was kinda crap.
But then I got looking through my photo roll of the year that was and realised actually, it was pretty damn cool.
Then I realised there’s a reason for that revelation: I rarely photograph the shite bits.
But you know what? Who cares. Right now I’m happy to share some highlights and pretend it was just one beautiful, eventful and snuggly pile of Kodak (okay, okay, Instagram) goodness.

Doing Surrealist Games at GOMA

Backstage just before An Unexpected Variety Show made its Brissie debut!

My girl continues to develop her inner fashionista

We even did ART yo! Where's my mother of the freaking millennium medal?

Great times hanging with my bro (my original comedy influence) and my gorgeous niece.

Ella continued "Occupy Mummy's Wardrobe".

There was much baby ogling to be done.

Our homemade Halloween.

A screenshot from "Lost." Oh hang on, sorry, no. Just a pic from our trip out to visit me ole Dad at the farm.

Razzies aplenty.

Beautiful baby, gifted to me by my wondrous aunt and uncle. I adore her.

First time we've EVER put up Christmas lights. And once we get the electricity bill, quite likely it'll be the last.

Wondrous colours of awesome at GOMA.

Hanging with my very cute and very funny niece, Jenna.

We even managed to squeeze in our first kidlet-free weekend together in nearly two YEARS!!!!

Okay, so I did capture a COUPLE of crapola moments…

Lazy POV shot.

P.S. Thanks so very, very, VERY much for coming and checking in on me here at Fort Comic Mummy. Love ya lots, lemon drops…will be aiming to blog at least a little bit from Woodford Folk Festival, so see ya on the other side of Christmas!
Big love to all and go watch The Polar Express and/or Elf. They rock sparkly Santa socks.