My little dude with his little dudey plaque
1. I have officially been redeemed – at least for now – as not COMPLETELY sucking at this mothering thing. My babies won awards! Which you know, of course, is nothing more than an utter reflection on MY awesomeness! Huzzah! I celebrated by coating their respective trophies with tequila and licking it off while humming “We Are the Champions.”
2. I touched a snake. Three different ones, actually. If you know me and how much I am TERRI-FREAKING-HORRIFIED by reptiles (and a little side thanks there to Harry Potter for making things worse), then you will fully implode right about now. Thank you Bunnings Christmas party.
My new HAH!!!!
3. I have taken discovered that I am possibly finding too much enjoyment from young children asking me about my new hair. My fave answers so far to the “Why do you have pink hair?” question:
“I ate too many strawberries.”
“What? I have pink hair? AAGH!”
“When your mummy says you’ve had enough ice-cream…LISTEN.”
4. I have bought an all-new and exciting gumball machine!!! Now I just have to work out how to keep the kids’ paws off it before show-time. I guess that was one side-effect of naming the company something that excites children. Hmmmm.
5. I have seen the new Harry Potter movie and loved it. I have also seen the new Megamind movie and loved it. I have also seen the new rain forecasts coinciding with school holidays and…guess.