I just have one thing to say about this Gypsy camper van. AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Image found on Pinterest.
Two words.
School Holidays.
Followed closely by two other words.
Aye Carumba.
Any of you with kidlets of your own running amok will understand why this state of affairs has coincided with a bit of a blogging absence of late. An absence, which I do love addressing as if anybody has actually noticed. It makes me feel important-like.
Anyhoo, thought I’d do a brief catch-up on what’s been going on around these parts of late!
1. Mister 7 has been diagnosed with candida, meaning that he is now on a massively restricted diet for the foreseeable future, a diet which contains absolutely no:
a) wheat; b) dairy; c) sugar; d) happiness.
We’re working on d). In fact, we’ve had incredible support from umpteen helpful friends, sending me ideas and recipes (including last night’s concoction of mango/coconut cream ice-cream: YUMDIDDLIUMKINS). The tricky part is that I LOATHE cooking. Baking I adore (probably just because I love any excuse to pull something out of the oven while lifting a back leg 50’s style) but cooking? Bleghghghghhghg. So I’m trying to stay positive and look at this as an opportunity to develop another side of myself that is yet to blossom. While trying to resist the urge to shove my head into the oven and keep it there.
2. Two audio interviews this week, one at ABC Coast FM (you can listen to it here) and the other on LinkAdelaide‘s podcast (you can listen here). I am suitably radio-loved up! Oh and if you look in the photo below, taken at ABC Radio, you can see Mister 7 in the background looking suitably bored while Mummy indulges her inner PR machine.

3. I have jumped onboard team Pinterest and rapidly acquired a full-blown addiction. Oh my.
4. I have FINALLY started getting serious about this sit-com that I’ve been flirting with for eons. Very exciting! It doesn’t hurt that my hubby (who has been exposed to more comedy – possibly much against his will – than most and who is an excellent writer in his own right) is jumping onboard the sitcom train with me. We’re having so much fun tossing around ideas and fleshing it all out; a married couple are a key part of the show so any angst we are feeling is getting fuelled directly into the action. Enjoying this so very muchly.
5. Tix are now on sale for my Adelaide Fringe run of “An Unexpected Variety Show”. YES!!! And…the very first two shows (on the 25th and 26th February) are FREE FREE FREE!!!!!! But…you do need to book. Seriously. I’m afraid that while having kids has done marvels for my rear end, it really just doesn’t have the pulling power to keep multiple seats saved at once. So yes, pretty please, feel free to spread the word if you like, I really don’t mind who claims the freebies, I just want as many peeps as possible to come see the show as it is kicking off my very first season in 2012! You can book here.
Hope all is shining brightly wherever you are, whatever you’re doing and however you’re doing it. (Did that sound deep? No. Alright. Move along.)