Man I wish I could have checked this out. If only so I could legitimately pray with jazz hands.
Sooo….remember how I was all inspired and gooey and mushy over the fabulous Cate’s humanitarian efforts from An Ordinary Life?
Remember how I spouted long-held whispers to foster kids, only to worry about the commitment of it all?
Well, one of my dearly beloved CM readers Gemma, suggested that I look into doing casual care – i.e. fostering kids on the odd weekend, etc. to give relief to other carers. (Thanks Gem!)
So, with the resolve of a lazy worker ant – i.e. motivated but working against his default setting of ‘reasons not to do anything’ – I made the call. And so it is that tomorrow night, we’re going to an info session. Obviously this is early days, it’s not like we’ve actually DONE anything yet, but I’m really excited that we’re at least getting out of the thinking “oh, that’s something we’ve always wanted to do…” stage and moving into the “okay, so how do we get started?” one. Stay tuned!
And secondly – and much more selfishly – I’m stoked to announce the very prematurely thought out arrival of the online Comic Mummy store!
Again, very early days. I will be updating the shop quite a lot over the next few months and experimenting, no doubt making truckloads of mistakes and trying to love every minute. It’s my baby, after all, however weird/ugly/otherwise imperfect it may be. I STILL LOVE YA, LITTLE FELLA!
At the moment I’m focusing on the cartoons, but am thinking of other funny, silly stuff incorporating my artwork and so forth. If you have any lightning bolts of inspiration, by all means shoot em through!
Okay, gees, I’ll leave it there before I collapse under all this news.
Who do I think I am? CNN?