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Jenny Wynter Blog

May 8, 20111 min read
Happy Mothers Day to All and To All A Good Night!
My and my Mum, circa 1981-82 I believe. Kids, be good to your mums. Mums, be good to your kids. Happy Mothers Day! x #kids #mothersday...

Oct 13, 20101 min read
3 must-have items for a celebrity’s 8-month old.
Image: Leelee Sobieski and tot. Courtesy of MamaPop 1. A chess game. Not just a chess set, mind, but a chess game. It must be in motion....

Oct 10, 20101 min read
Those crazy celebrities. Is there nothing they won’t do?
I know celebrities like to breastfeed to lose the baby weight, but come on. You’re grown women. That’s gross. #humour #breastfeeding...

Sep 9, 20101 min read
It’s a CHOICE thing
My chosen ones (NOT my excuses) I’ve always tried to consciously shun the idea that there’s things you can’t do once you’ve got kids. But...
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